速報APP / 健康塑身 / Physio Plus Clinic

Physio Plus Clinic





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Physio Plus Clinic(圖1)-速報App

Dr. S. Ram Prakash PT is the most renowned physiotherapist in South Tamil Nadu. He has been invited to national and international conferences to deliver lectures in the recent trends in physiotherapy. Dr. Ram Prakash PT, started the clinic Physio Plus, in November 2011 and it has been running successfully ever since.

Physio Plus Clinic is located in the clam residential area, with good parking facility, highly equipped with modern machines and skilled staffs. In our clinic we have successfully treated over 2500 patients till date and we have 98.5% of success rate and 100% of patient satisfaction.

Physio Plus Clinic(圖2)-速報App

If you or your friends suffer from physical ailments, kindly book an appointment for consultation and know for yourself of our skilled practice. If you satisfied with our service, please to recommend our service to your friends.

Recommend your friends to download this mobile app to receive free medical tips and exercise advises everyday

Physio Plus Clinic(圖3)-速報App

Physio Plus Clinic(圖4)-速報App

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Physio Plus Clinic(圖7)-速報App

Physio Plus Clinic(圖8)-速報App